The information below has mostly been taken from the FEDANT website, in order to give you an overview of who FEDANT are and why you as a Tongue-tie Assessor might want to register with them. More detailed information can be found directly on the FEDANT website.
FEDANT administer the National Register of Antenatal Educators, Breastfeeding Counsellors, and Doulas in England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and the Islands.
Admission to the FEDANT National Register denotes that the registrant has met nationally agreed standards for education and practice.
Parents, service users, and the public are able to choose a regulated Antenatal Educator, Breastfeeding Counsellor, or Doula by searching the National Register.
FEDANT administer the professional standards for education, to make sure Antenatal Educators, Breastfeeding Counsellors and Doulas have the right skills and qualities to be entered onto the National Register.
It is the role of the regulator to ensure that individuals admitted to the National Register are competent to practice (They also administer the professional standards for Continuing Professional Development – CPD).
After they initially qualify; Antenatal Educators, Breastfeeding Counsellors and Doulas must continually train and take part in learning activities to demonstrate that their skills and knowledge are up to date.
FEDANT Approved Courses have completed the National Course Accreditation and Verification (NCAV) process. This process ensures that accredited courses are operating within agreed parameters and include a set of core elements as defined by the profession.
Graduates from FEDANT accredited courses (that’s you!) which have been approved via the NCAV process (that’s us!) are seen to meet the educational requirements for admission to the National Register.
Course accreditation is a ‘mark of quality’. Courses granted FEDANT NCAV or NRSA accreditation are evidenced to be well structured, contain the core elements where applicable and are relevant to the profession.
Admission to the National Register is open to:
To begin the registration process:
Evidence will be required for all qualifications you wish to have listed on the National Register along with evidence of insurance covering you for these qualifications.
A good quality photograph taken on a smart phone is acceptable.
Evidence of insurance is a requirement for admission to the National Register.
You may choose to use the reduced rate FEDANT Block Scheme Insurance (£47.82).
You are not required to use the FEDANT Block Scheme, this facility has been negotiated with the insurance providers to facilitate a significant reduction in the cost of premiums for those evidencing a lower risk by achieving admission.
Select the option ‘I am applying for FEDANT Block Scheme Insurance’. Your Application for Admission will be reviewed before a link and password for the FEDANT Block Scheme Insurance application are emailed to you.
The review process may take up to 24 hours.
If you have your own insurance, you will be required to provide a copy of your certificate of insurance.
Once your documentation has been received it will be verified and you will be issued your FEDANT Registration documents.
Your details will then be added to the FEDANT National Register and if you are using the FEDANT Block Scheme Insurance the policy will become valid.
An email with your username and password, which enables you to access the Registrant Login area, will be sent to you at the time your registration completes.
Resources such as logo and posters are available from this area.
The FEDANT logo can be used by the following:
Registrants are asked to observe profession guidelines and note that registration is specific to the individual.
NOTE: Where you have several individuals operating from the same company or location, a FEDANT Logo may only be generally displayed; if ALL providers in the practice or company have FEDANT National Registration.
Please note we require the background information and consent form returned within 1 hour booking.